ANPA - ANPA newswire to mail.local converter - Tim Pozar

The anpa utility takes a newswire service feed (ie. AP, UPI, BayCity, SportsTicker) that conforms to the ANPA-RI (American Newspaper Publishers Association*) Bulletin 1312 specification from a serial tty or file and outputs a RFC-822 (mail.local or rmail) style file that can be injected into some data stream like USENET or Internet mail. It can also do things like send the article to printers, fax machines, pagers or run any application such as one that would toggle a data line on a printer port to turn on and off a lamp via a solid state relay for those important articles.

You can check out the "latest" ANPA release anpa.1.0.tar.gz

*This program is not affiliated with the "American Newspaper Publishers Association"